Please dress in warm clothes for gymnastics in this cold weather
Please dress in warm clothes for gymnastics in this cold weather
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Yes. We will offer a free trial to all new starters to gauge their ability and confidence levels within the session.
For the free trial, t-shirt and shorts/leggings will be fine.
When joining EVT Gymnastics, please bring your child in a leotard/unitard when possible. This allows adequate movement for the child and allows the coaches to support unhindered.
Training is done bare foot or in socks with gripped soles.
Starting at preschool ages 3 to 5, moving onto Afterschool ages 5 to 13.
We will allow you to stay for the first session, but after this we will advise parents to leave the gymnastics area so as not to be a distraction to their learning.
Fees will be collected by Standing Order on the 1st of each month.
We welcome any parent volunteers to help with the side stations during the session. Please talk to us at the end of your child's session or email us if you are interested.
Yes. But we will have a total of 7 weeks off during the course of the year. These being at Easter, May Half Term, Summer, October Half Term and Christmas.
All dates will be on our term dates and communicated via email and our Facebook page.